• Welcome to MCME!

    Minecraft Middle Earth is a Minecraft community that recreates the world described by JRR Tolkien and his writings. Everyone can participate in organized events in which we collaborate to create major landmarks, terrain, caves, castles, towns, farms and more.

    To get started, visit The New Player Guide

    Joining the server

    Joining the server can be done straight away, but you will have to pass the New Player Quiz. Use the The New Player Guide to get acquainted with our community.

    IP: build.mcmiddleearth.com

Recent content by the_pharaohs_cat

  1. the_pharaohs_cat

    Last Screenshot

    This is the last screenshot that I will be uploading to the forums for a while;
  2. the_pharaohs_cat

    To wrap things up

    I haven't posted a thread in a while, and no, I won't be leaving the server, I just won't be posting screenshots anymore. Here are my favourite out of mine, I thought I would give each a caption. :D (I realised after that I did not spell everything the best)
  3. the_pharaohs_cat

    Resolved Can't connect

    I know you guys are probably gonna say it's my internet, which it probably is, everytime I join I hear an anvil noise, kinda highpitched. Then it says timed out...
  4. the_pharaohs_cat

    ... I was shader hungry...

    Here are some screenshots, hope you enjoy! ... p.s. I still haven't learned how to use spoilers
  5. the_pharaohs_cat

    Accepted the_pharaohs_cat's Artist Application

    I am the_pharaohs_cat, I joined on 18 November 2015. I have not done many things on MCME so far as during the middle of last year I had some technical difficulties with my old laptop (which I used to play on). I have participated in a couple of theme builds. I mostly like building Gondorian...
  6. the_pharaohs_cat

    Just a little discussion...

    I have noticed that when you are building in the theme build when you find bedrock at the bottom of your allocated area you cannot place any blocks on the bedrock, instead you have to place them on the side of another block that is not bedrock. Does anyone know why this is? Is there anyway of...
  7. the_pharaohs_cat

    Resolved Plotworld

    I am not allowed to build anywhere on plotworld or claim any plots, why, also can you please enable access to the elytra in the the plotworld for easy travel.
  8. the_pharaohs_cat

    Just a few...

  9. the_pharaohs_cat

    Resolved Sick of it...

    As some of you may know from previous posts of mine, I am, stuck in the oldworld. Many of you said to get on when a staff member is on and ask them to teleport me to Bag End. Any time that I manage to get on the server with a staff member online, I proceed to get ignored by the staff. After I...
  10. the_pharaohs_cat

    Resolved MCME Texture Pack

    Am I allowed to use the mcme gondor texture pack in a Planet Minecraft submission, and give full credit to you guys?
  11. the_pharaohs_cat

    Resolved Help me

    I am an Oath Breaker, that is stuck in the old world, where apparently there is no Linhir, which is my destination in order to become an adventurer again. plz help...
  12. the_pharaohs_cat

    Resolved Joining

    I have been trying to join the server lately but when I do I connect for a second and then it says " An existing connection was forcibly closed by a remote host". Please address this issue, the_pharaohs_cat