• Welcome to MCME!

    Minecraft Middle Earth is a Minecraft community that recreates the world described by JRR Tolkien and his writings. Everyone can participate in organized events in which we collaborate to create major landmarks, terrain, caves, castles, towns, farms and more.

    To get started, visit The New Player Guide

    Joining the server

    Joining the server can be done straight away, but you will have to pass the New Player Quiz. Use the The New Player Guide to get acquainted with our community.

    IP: build.mcmiddleearth.com

Recent content by Stoog_Gaming

  1. Stoog_Gaming

    Summer Survival 2024 Plugin Guide

    ~MCME Summer Survival 2024~ This year for the summer survival we have been hard at work preparing and we have gone above and beyond what we have done before. For those that didn't join last year, we have turned our map into a giant RPG with Dungeons, Bosses, Loot and Lore Questions scattered...
  2. Stoog_Gaming

    MCME Video Game Tournament

    MCME Video Game Tournament First up the games we will be playing are all free and can be downloaded now from their respective marketplaces. Overwatch 2 on Battle.net or Steam Crusader Kings 2 on Steam Fall Guys on Epic Games I'd suggest installing them early and getting some practice in if...
  3. Stoog_Gaming

    Community Project Vote

    In the last 3 years since I joined this server, 5 projects have been completed, of those 5 projects, only 2 are new locations the other 3 being Revamps. And of the current active projects all but one of them is a Revamp. My Solution I would like to propose a new system for when projects are...
  4. Stoog_Gaming

    Commoner /tppos

    I was having a discussion today on Discord, and the topic of the /Tppos command came up, after a bit of conversation we realised that the /Tppos command doesn't have too many drawbacks if Commoners or even Adventurers had access to it, that could not be solved by slightly modifying a couple of...
  5. Stoog_Gaming

    Easter Render Competition

    -Easter Render Competition- Welcome to yet another MCME art competition, this time we are trying something different. A render competition. Yes, you read that right we are looking for the best 3D renders following our themes of Middle Earth or Easter. How to participate and rules To...
  6. Stoog_Gaming

    Stoog_Gaming's Animation Badge Application

    Minecraft Username : Stoog_Gaming When did you join MCME : 11 July 2019 What rank are you currently and approximately how long have you had that rank?: I have been Guide since the 23rd of September this year Which WE badge do you have? I have limited world edit Why should we give the...
  7. Stoog_Gaming

    Accepted Stoog_Gaming's Limited Worldedit Application

    When did you join I joined on July 11th 2019. What rank are you currently and approximately how long have you had the rank? I am currently a guide and have been for just over a month. How experienced are you in FAWE? I have some basic knowledge of FAWE I already know how to do basic...
  8. Stoog_Gaming

    Accepted Stoog_Gaming's Guide Application

    Minecraft Username : Stoog_Gaming Date Joined : 11 July 2019 What country are you from / What time do you usually play online: I am from the United Kingdom, and I come on the server after 5 pm UTC most days, but I make sure to keep up with the discord and help when necessary. Are you regularly...
  9. Stoog_Gaming

    Accepted Stoog_Gaming's Minigame Badge Application

    When did you join? I first joined on July 11th 2019 but only started interacting with the community on the 21st of March this year. What is your current rank? I am a Commoner. Do you regularly use our voice communication? Yes, I am a fairly common person to see in the voice channels on...