• Welcome to MCME!

    Minecraft Middle Earth is a Minecraft community that recreates the world described by JRR Tolkien and his writings. Everyone can participate in organized events in which we collaborate to create major landmarks, terrain, caves, castles, towns, farms and more.

    To get started, visit The New Player Guide

    Joining the server

    Joining the server can be done straight away, but you will have to pass the New Player Quiz. Use the The New Player Guide to get acquainted with our community.

    IP: build.mcmiddleearth.com

Recent content by SPACE_LEMON


    My Unified Arda Legendarium Project – Help very much desired

    For several years now I have been working on a project with the aim of combining all (or at least most) of Tolkien’s writings set in and/or pertaining to the Legendarium of Arda. Before I had acquired HoME and knew just how deep Tolkien’s revisions of the early mythology went, I had foolishly...

    An explanation, and yet another attempt at returning

    Hello again, after another lengthy absence. Months ago I ostensibly returned to the community, at that time eager to share a selection of my personal Arda Legendarium headcanon. Then I suddenly vanished once more into thin air. What happened is a pretty silly reason to disappear, but I'll...

    Are the Ruins of Gondolin underwater, or on Tol Fuin?

    When Beleriand sank, the plateau of Dorthonion/Taur-nu-Fuin became the island of Tol Fuin. The highest points of the plateau were the Crissaegrim, which surrounded Gondolin. So, after the drowning of Beleriand, do we assume the ruins of Gondolin are above sea level, below sea level, or were...

    Headcanon - The Istari in Númenor

    What we know: The Istari (presumably all five) are known to have been in Middle-Earth from (at least) T.A. 1000, though according to later writings, the Blue Wizards arrived in Middle-Earth in S.A. 1600 The Istari were chosen at the same time according to one text that details the council of...

    Headcanon - Geographical History of Arda

    Major changes to the geography of Arda, in the order that I theorise them to have happened (including my theory for how the Sea of Helcar became Mordor): Age of Creation: Ekkaia manifested; Wall of Night raised to separate Ekkaia from the Firmament and the Void (I also theorise that the Wall...

    Headcanon - Classification of "Fay" as Low-Tier Maiar

    I’ve always kind of thought of the Fay/Nymphs/Sprites of Tolkien’s early writings as a third, lesser class of Ainur below the Maiar, which I call Hólar. This is of course complete fanon. Below is a table classifying the various types of Hólar by their aspect and associated Valar. Most of the...

    Headcanon - The Origin of Hobbits as a Threefold Hybrid Race

    It is a popular, if controversial, fan-theory that Hobbits are the result of interbreeding between Men, Elves, and Dwarves. There is of course no evidence to substantiate this theory, yet it is one I quite like. Here’s my take on it. It’s my headcanon that Hobbits are the result of couplings...

    Would it be cool if I posted my headcanon in the Lore Discussion section?

    I've got quite a bit of headcanon I'd like to share, and haven't really found a very receptive audience for it. Would the Lore Discussion section be an appropriate place to post it, or should fan-theories be left out of such discussions?

    Perhaps I am back...

    It's been far too long. I don't have much of an excuse for my years (well, year and a few months) away from the community, but I think I would like to return, if you'll have me. I don't think I'll be on the server much, as I've still got annoying hardware and connection issues, but I would like...

    Playing Custom Music on Discord (How do?)

    So I've been wanting to play music in the Music Channel on Discord. However, my music chiefly consists of customised albums/playlists with custom transitions and rare songs that aren't always available on Youtube etc.. On TeamSpeak there was this plugin (the name of which escapes me) which...

    Accepted Lemon's Application for Limited WE

    When did you join? July 18th, 2019 What rank are you currently and approximately how long have you had the rank? Artist; 9 days How experienced are you in FAWE? Not at all. Will you need instructions in using worldedit once you have the badge? Absolutely. Why do you need this badge? I...

    On Gay Elves

    [Disclaimer: Obviously this is totally irrelevant to the server. That's beside the point. If you don't feel like this is a topic worth engaging in, simply don't engage in it.] This is a topic that has been hotly debated both in-game and on Discord, and a few weeks ago I found myself in just...

    Accepted SPACE_LEMON Artist Application

    Date: July 18th, 2019 Jobs and Plotbuilds: Cave detailing in Moria with Darki: https://www.mcmiddleearth.com/media/albums/job-darki-cave.267/ Themed-builds: Castle: https://www.mcmiddleearth.com/media/albums/theme-build-castle.265/ Dol Guldur [WIP]...

    In Progress Layered Pixel Map of Moria

    [Last updated: 28 Sept 2019.] So I've taken up the task of mapping Moria. I've been working on this for maybe a week, and it's very far from finished, but here's what I've done so far. I'll be updating it as I go. Each pixel = 5×5 blocks Green = Path of the Fellowship Light Grey = Floor / road...

    My hand drawn genealogies of the Lords of Elves and Men in the First Age, and the Half-Elves

    If The Silmarillion has one thing in excess, that's names. So many names. While re-reading The Silmarillion, I decided to draw up genealogies of the most prominent houses in a more concise manner than appears in the book, for my own reference. I've decided to share them here. I took some...