• Welcome to MCME!

    Minecraft Middle Earth is a Minecraft community that recreates the world described by JRR Tolkien and his writings. Everyone can participate in organized events in which we collaborate to create major landmarks, terrain, caves, castles, towns, farms and more.

    To get started, visit The New Player Guide

    Joining the server

    Joining the server can be done straight away, but you will have to pass the New Player Quiz. Use the The New Player Guide to get acquainted with our community.

    IP: build.mcmiddleearth.com

Recent content by SkyDrago101

  1. SkyDrago101

    Accepted Skydrago101's Minigames Application VersionTwo

    When did you join? -Jun 20th, 2020. However I was not active until this September, since then i have played every day. What is your current rank? -Commoner. Do you regularly use our voice communication? -I do, even more than I have in the past. However I still prefer to type in the text...
  2. SkyDrago101

    TheHobbit Anniversary build events.

    The idea is that every September we would host building events focused around theHobbit for the anniversary. For instance; one year we could build High Pass, the next Goblin Town, the next wherever that place is with Beorn, the next Mirkwood, the next Laketown, the next Dale, the next we would...
  3. SkyDrago101

    Auto AfK Status

    The idea is that when someone has been idle for ten to fifteen minutes they will automatically be given the AfK status. This is so that I don't end up talking to people that are AfK :) 'cause they don't always do /afk. ~Skydrago101
  4. SkyDrago101

    Staff renamed to Maiar.

    This is the smallest one I've made yet. So the idea is that because Admins are also known as Vala, Staff would also be called Maia. This would be purely cosmetic, and it would only effect the rank level name, they would still be called Managers, and Designers, it would just change what we call...
  5. SkyDrago101

    New player books

    So I'm not sure if this has been suggested already, but I'll say anyway: When a new player completes the new player quiz, and are transported to Bag End, they should have the Book of Warps, along with a book listing some different things they can do, placed into their inventory as opposed to...
  6. SkyDrago101

    Sub-team Roles

    This is more of a small suggestion. So the idea is that when you hover over someone's rank in chat, and it says "roles of <player>" it would that on top of explaning their ranks, it would also list what sub-teams they're on, like video team, or texture team. This could be for any member of those...
  7. SkyDrago101

    Minigames World

    Here's my pitch: A Minigames world to hold everything like; Werewolf, PvP, Parkour, and other such things. This would be pretty cool. Only Guides would be able to start Werewolf, or PvP, but Parkour, and other things will go there for players to enjoy at any time. This world would likely have a...
  8. SkyDrago101

    Canceled SkyDrago101's Minigames badge Application

    When did you join? -June 20th 2020. What is your current rank? -Commoner, since September 22nd 2022. Do you regularly use our voice communication? -I join VoiceChats regularly, however I have not actually spoken, rather typed in the text area. Why would you like this badge? -Because in the early...