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    Minecraft Middle Earth is a Minecraft community that recreates the world described by JRR Tolkien and his writings. Everyone can participate in organized events in which we collaborate to create major landmarks, terrain, caves, castles, towns, farms and more.

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    IP: build.mcmiddleearth.com

Recent content by Rudolphius

  1. Rudolphius

    [Official] MCME Derp Report Thread

    That is what happens when you do WE with heads. I need to get around one of these days and sort that out, as the first one certainly is my build.
  2. Rudolphius

    Going Away Thread

    Date Leaving: 19th of April Length of Absence: two to three weeks Reason or comments: Finishing the last few weeks of my teacher training i.e. following Dante's journey into Inferno. I may log on briefly every once in a while.
  3. Rudolphius

    My resignation and goodbye

    Send him pictures off cats as well, he'll enjoy that even more :P
  4. Rudolphius

    A thread for discussing the food price, and prices for other goods in Gondor.

    Ah ok. And yes, and three of those - the collar, the mouldboard plough and the three-field crop rotation - were medieval developments, granting Medieval society a higher production rate than Anitquity.
  5. Rudolphius

    A thread for discussing the food price, and prices for other goods in Gondor.

    I don't know if I am understanding you right, but are you suggesting that Western-European society reverted back to a hunter-gatherer society after the fall of Rome?
  6. Rudolphius

    A thread for discussing the food price, and prices for other goods in Gondor.

    Alright I am going to come in here with my knowledge of medieval food prices, wages and just food in general. First off, I question the statement Eriol made about why the retainment of knowledge from previous civilisations would have anything to do with supplies. I don't really see what that...
  7. Rudolphius

    Resolved Give Foremen Core Inspect

    I agree with Wyatt and Daom, it would be useful in the circumstances they provided. Add to that that mods often can't be arsed for something like that. Plus: I don't really see what your problems with wyatt not reporting stuff (which he is under no obligation to do tbh) has anything to do with...
  8. Rudolphius

    In Progress D3's app

  9. Rudolphius

    Going Away Thread

    Date Leaving: November 10th Length of Absence: about two weeks Reason or comments: I will be very busy for my degree. I might pop online here and there, but I will mostly be absent and will not be responding to messages quickly.
  10. Rudolphius

    Beast Bearcat’s Message to MCME

    I don't think I have actually ever called someone demented
  11. Rudolphius

    Beast Bearcat’s Message to MCME

    Also just a tip for future reference: calling the people you want something from ''demented'', is not a great way to go about achieving what you want
  12. Rudolphius

    Suggestion Important Ideas That Should Be Implemented (Look forward to a larger, revamp based thread soon)

    We are not about to start paying Wyatt just because he has no life
  13. Rudolphius

    Community Project Vote

    I disgree with your points and will adress them here. Then show it. The fact that you receive this kind of feedback from a significant part of the community on server that is supposed to be a community server, should demonstrate to you that something is deeply wrong with the way how it...
  14. Rudolphius

    Community Project Vote

    Certified Wyatt moment