• Welcome to MCME!

    Minecraft Middle Earth is a Minecraft community that recreates the world described by JRR Tolkien and his writings. Everyone can participate in organized events in which we collaborate to create major landmarks, terrain, caves, castles, towns, farms and more.

    To get started, visit The New Player Guide

    Joining the server

    Joining the server can be done straight away, but you will have to pass the New Player Quiz. Use the The New Player Guide to get acquainted with our community.

    IP: build.mcmiddleearth.com

Recent content by QuantaCube

  1. QuantaCube

    #37/18 - Gate Of Erebor

    Themed Build Themed Builds run weekly, starting on Sunday, and last one week until the next one starts. Gate of Erebor References: [Tolkiengateway] Resourcepack: Dwarvern To change to Dwarvern resource pack with server textures enabled, use /rp d and custom inventory can be accessed by using...
  2. QuantaCube

    #36/18 - Corsair Ships

    Themed Build Themed Builds run weekly, starting on Sunday, and last one week until the next one starts. Corsair Ships References: [Tolkiengateway,Wikipedia,LOTR wikia] Resourcepack: Gondor To change to Gondor resource pack with server textures enabled, use /rp g and custom inventory can be...
  3. QuantaCube

    Accepted QuantaCube Minigame badge application

    QuantaCube Minigame Badge App Minecraft username: QuantaCube Date Joined: 2014/01/01 Rank (Artist/Guide + ): Yes Microphone?: Not really, I make do with other means though. Talk regularly on Discord?: Occasionally when others are on VC in my time range. Motivation/ Why am I applying for the...
  4. QuantaCube

    #35/18: Dunland Settlement

    Themed Build Themed Builds run weekly, starting on Sunday, and last one week until the next one starts. Dunland Settlement Reference: [Tolkiengateway] Resourcepack: Rohan To change to Rohan resource pack with server textures enabled, use /rp r. Themed Builds can be used in Artist...
  5. QuantaCube

    Jonatanknalle Trial Job 2018

    Jonatanknalle Foreman Trial Job 2018 4th November Official Start: 20:00 BST Supervisor: Head Designer BWOT | Co-Supervisors and Job runners: Artist Jonatanknalle , Lead Builder Ooitsbirdo Come one and all to Jonatan's trial job working on storage halls as well as various mines in Moria. Time...
  6. QuantaCube

    #34/18: Amon Sûl (Unruined)

    Themed Build Themed Builds run weekly, starting on Sunday, and last one week until the next one starts. Amon Sûl (Unruined) Reference: [Tolkiengateway] Resourcepack: Eriador To change to Eriador resource pack with server textures enabled, use /rp e. Themed Builds can be used in Artist...
  7. QuantaCube

    #33/18 - Dol Guldur

    Project Build Project Builds are Themed Builds that run for more than one week. Start and end is at sunday evenings (GMT). Dol Guldur Project Build 3 weeks Reference: [Tolkiengateway] Resourcepack: Gondor To change to Gondor resource pack with server textures enabled, use /rp g. Themed...
  8. QuantaCube

    #32/18 - Dale

    Themed Build Themed Builds run weekly, starting on Sunday, and last one week until the next one starts. Dale Reference: [Tolkiengateway] Resourcepack: Gondor To change to Gondor resource pack with server textures enabled, use /rp g. Themed Builds can be used in Artist applications...
  9. QuantaCube

    #31/18 - Beorn's Hall

    Themed Build Themed Builds run weekly, starting on Sunday, and last one week until the next one starts. Beorn's Hall Reference: [Tolkiengateway] Resourcepack: Rohan To change to Rohan resource pack with server textures enabled, use /rp r. Themed Builds can be used in Artist applications...
  10. QuantaCube

    #30/18 - Brandywine Bridge

    Themed Build Themed Builds run weekly, starting on Sunday, and last one week until the next one starts. Brandywine Bridge Reference: [Tolkiengateway] Resourcepack: Eriador To change to Eriador resource pack with server textures enabled, use /rp e. Themed Builds can be used in Artist...
  11. QuantaCube

    Accepted QuantaCube Unrestricted FAWE [WE] badge application

    QuantaCube unrestricted FAWE [WE] Application When did you join? January 2014 What rank are you currently and approximately how long have you had that rank?: Lead builder, which I have only had for a couple days, although perms-wise I am foreman which I have had for ~6 months. How...
  12. QuantaCube

    The 3 Field System

    I'm in the process of developing a farm realism guide, although there are some things that I believe are of upmost importance so I am making a quick post just to put out some information. I am by no means an expert, so if I have said incorrect information please make a reply and I will alter the...
  13. QuantaCube

    On ranks and 'Badges'

    Here's the Idea: Permission 'badges' (better name?) Foreman as a rank would be gotten rid of and in place is set a series of permissions badges around the roles that artists, guides and foremen would have, and they consist of these badges: ARTIST BADGE: Anyone with this badge would be able to...
  14. QuantaCube

    Accepted QuantaCube Foreman Apply

    QuantaCube Foreman Application V1.6 Profile Basic Information Minecraft Username : QuantaCube Date Joined : January 2014 Country: Australia Voice Chat Are you regularly logged on our voice communication? Generally only when others are on. Do you actively speak on our voice communication? Yes...
  15. QuantaCube

    MCME Community build showcase

    MCME Build Showcase! This thread is for showing off some cool builds you may have created on the build world, freebuild or just on single player you may want to show to the community! They can be middle-earth themed or anything else as long as its a cool Minecraft build that YOU have built...