• Welcome to MCME!

    Minecraft Middle Earth is a Minecraft community that recreates the world described by JRR Tolkien and his writings. Everyone can participate in organized events in which we collaborate to create major landmarks, terrain, caves, castles, towns, farms and more.

    To get started, visit The New Player Guide

    Joining the server

    Joining the server can be done straight away, but you will have to pass the New Player Quiz. Use the The New Player Guide to get acquainted with our community.

    IP: build.mcmiddleearth.com

Recent content by q220

  1. q220

    suggestion for porting middle-earth project to Minecraft Bedrock

    We aren't a commercial enterprise so the financial aspect is ... challenging? Everyone here volunteers with their free time and interest in the project. Maintaining or porting everything over to bedrock is a huge undertaking and for what benefit apart from more exposure? Then there would be two...
  2. q220

    Can't get chat to open

    Try checking the setting in Minecraft under Options > Chat Settings > Chat Shown If the Chat shown toggle is enabled. On my client I also have 'Only show secure chat' set on Off, but I am not sure what the default setting for this is.
  3. q220

    Forum Update Summer 2024 - Xenforo 2.3

    Forum Update 2024 Hello everyone, a short summarisation of the changes that happened on the forums with the update to Xenforo 2.3 The style that we used became outdated and had visual issues, so you can now change back to MCME Dark. Changes Passkey One of the biggest changes in this release...
  4. q220

    Distant Horizons Base

    q220 submitted a new resource: Distant Horizons Base - Distant Horizons Read more about this resource...
  5. q220

    Raffle 2024

    Hello everyone! Thanks to the efforts of the MCME Tolkien Days Organization team and many others from the community, this year we are able to organize in parallel to the Tolkien Days Convention (in Geldern Germany) the first raffle and MCME fundraiser in a long time. We have a great lineup of...
  6. q220

    Facebook page unpublished

    Yes, we are aware of it, and no it was not intentional. People right now can no longer find us on Facebook because we, according to Facebook, go against Facebook's community standards for authenticity. Facebook Community Standards According to what Facebook writes at...
  7. q220

    How to join our Discord server

    Discord is a program that can be run directly from the browser, or you can install the program. The program is free to use and can be downloaded at Download Discord to Talk, Chat, and Hang Out You will need to create a Discord account in order to use it. Once set up, you can join our Discord...
  8. q220

    Resolved Attention @Outlook.com email users!

    Seems there is an issue for people who use @outlook.com email addresses on the forums. The mail being sent from our mail host is not being delivered to @outlook.com due to possible spam. I asked to look into this with the mail host. Meanwhile if you have used an @outlook.com email address to...
  9. q220

    Improved search engine

    The forums are now powered with a better search engine that should return better results since it is more based on natural language instead of just a plain-text search. Realtime search results Now if you start searching something, ElasticSearch will give you 5 proposed results: Continuing...
  10. q220

    Minecraft with RTX | Minas Tirith by Minecraft Middle-Earth

    Revisit the mighty city of Minas Tirith created by Minecraft Middle-Earth, enhanced by RTX for Minecraft on Windows 10. Minas Tirith, the city of Kings, is Gondor's iconic location and one of our most popular Minecraft builds in the Middle Earth server map. Minas Tirith is built in stunning...
  11. q220

    Website moved over to seperate server

    Since 2 weeks ago I moved over the website to a new server. We are hitting some performance caps on our current server where we host a wide variety of game shards (minecraft servers) and services. With this new server, I was finally able to get some much-needed upgrades in place. Something that...
  12. q220

    Forums running Xenforo 2.2

    This will be a short (or at least attempt to!) article with the new features that are now available on the forums. In fact, this post is now of the article type (more about this later). Xenforo 2.2 main changes are user improvements, content type, media handling and the improved 'textbox'. If...
  13. q220

    Resolved Pineapple pizza

    This is a question thread. I think pineapple on pizza should be banned, do you agree?
  14. q220

    Actions against harassment

    It has come to our attention that some members of our community have been sexually harassed, or have been asked to do sexual acts by another member. This situation was reported to us by the victim(s). We can not tolerate this type of behavior in our community. Because of the severity of the...
  15. q220

    Website restructure

    What used to be the 'front page' for MCME has now been relocated to the mcmiddleearth.com/community/ subdomain, as well as the forums. This change was necessary to allow for new front page functionality.