• Welcome to MCME!

    Minecraft Middle Earth is a Minecraft community that recreates the world described by JRR Tolkien and his writings. Everyone can participate in organized events in which we collaborate to create major landmarks, terrain, caves, castles, towns, farms and more.

    To get started, visit The New Player Guide

    Joining the server

    Joining the server can be done straight away, but you will have to pass the New Player Quiz. Use the The New Player Guide to get acquainted with our community.

    IP: build.mcmiddleearth.com

Recent content by NicTheFifth

  1. NicTheFifth

    Suggestion Road revamp Gondor

    Best MCME members, With our recent (well, couple of years) improvements to the rp, there have been great improvements and fixes. One of the ways that this is most visible is the roads, yet most of Gondor is still using the old roads, which still have the old mix and bad integration in the...
  2. NicTheFifth

    Moria block replacements freebuild

    Hello there dear reader, if you've opened this thread that means you want a block replacement done on your freebulid area for the Moria rp. Worry not, the process is simple. 1. Map out the area you want converted, if possible get the two points which can be used to select your region without...
  3. NicTheFifth

    IMO not being in my opinion

    So as some of you might know, there exists this thing called IMO (International Mathematics Olympiad), which started in 1959. I recently refound it after finding this vid by 3blue1brown, quite good mathematical explanational channel I think. Now recently I was thinking of maybe trying to work...
  4. NicTheFifth

    Moria ruining/planning

    Best reader, thanks for starting this post, but since it shall be long I will quickly summarise what will be discussed/questioned in this post. First of all this post is going to focus on Balin's unruining of Moria. This will be about which halls to unruin, the path of retreat from 2nd hall to...
  5. NicTheFifth

    21st hall planning/discussion

    21st hall planning proposal As all of you know, the 21st hall has been empty ever since the great copy and paste, however this is not the finished state of it, that is something that I would like to change. Thus in this post I will lay out my plans for the 21st hall, and open the discussion on...
  6. NicTheFifth

    Moria texture proposal

    Hey everyone, since we want to improve the moria texture pack, we need some ideas, click here to suggest textures!
  7. NicTheFifth

    Accepted Unlim WEEEEEEE NicovicTheSixth

    When did you join?~ I joined in january 2015. What rank are you currently and approximately how long have you had that rank?~ Currently I am an Foreman and I have been so for a month. How experienced are you in FAWE?~ I am experienced enough in FAWE, as I have been using it on other servers...
  8. NicTheFifth

    Upgrade and variations of existing moria textures.

    This is my little thread of finished products/wips, if you wish to download an updated version of this trial resource pack, click here. Finished Gray concrete: Textures+ variations: Blockstate file: File link Models files: Files link Original texture: Granite: Textures+ variations...
  9. NicTheFifth

    End amount of halls/caves in Moria

    So as some of you might know, I have been working on a list encompassing all the halls and caves of moria, however one thing that is currently lacking is a measure of it compared to a 'finished' Moria. So that is the question, if Moria is done, how many halls/caves do you expect it will have...
  10. NicTheFifth

    Central Dwelling Interiors

    Project area: Central Dwelling Builder: NicovicTheSixth Jobs: None, this is done using plots. Description: Interiors and possibly exteriors all through out the Central Dwelling. There are multiple unfinished houses/appartement complexes, which have to be finished, so if you'd like to try a...
  11. NicTheFifth

    Accepted Tours badge NicovicTheSixth

    When did you join? I joined the server back in january of 2015! What is your current rank? Currently I am the light blue of the Foremen What do you think you can do to make a good Tour? Well, I have adequate lore knowledge, know a lot about server lore and have lots of energy and...
  12. NicTheFifth

    OB in Moria

    So during my wanderings I found out I was not able to go to moria, this I found quite dissapointing, as wandering through Moria would be amazing, is there any chance that this could be changed?
  13. NicTheFifth

    An Improvement to MCME's Projects

    ~~~~~IMPROVING MCME’S PROJECTS~~~~~ By NicTheFifth Welcome dear reader to my third post, this time I would like to discuss something which I could be improved, the ways projects are led and the roles within a project. There will be a summary at the end in bold ‘Summary’, for those not who...
  14. NicTheFifth

    I have no memory of this place cave Build Day

    I have no memory of this place cave Build Day 2019 2nd January Official Start: 2:00 PM GMT Supervisor: Patrick_0901 | Co-Supervisors and Job runners: NicTheFifth & Oberanio Hello ladies and gentlemen, boys and girls to the great build day of the I have no memory of this place cave in Moria...
  15. NicTheFifth

    Rp=resource pack.

    Hello there fellow MCME'er, I bet you have missed these amazing posts that are thought provoking, sadly I won't have a huge thought provoking post this time, although I hope it will cause some of you to think differently about certain aspects of MCME. The subject of this post will be about, you...