• Welcome to MCME!

    Minecraft Middle Earth is a Minecraft community that recreates the world described by JRR Tolkien and his writings. Everyone can participate in organized events in which we collaborate to create major landmarks, terrain, caves, castles, towns, farms and more.

    To get started, visit The New Player Guide

    Joining the server

    Joining the server can be done straight away, but you will have to pass the New Player Quiz. Use the The New Player Guide to get acquainted with our community.

    IP: build.mcmiddleearth.com

Recent content by Neldiir_Meli

  1. Neldiir_Meli

    In Progress Neldir_Meli Guide Application

    I Co-Hosted Games Marathon and with that ran some races and Geogeosr
  2. Neldiir_Meli

    In Progress Neldir_Meli Guide Application

    I hosted Touring Tuesday and the topic was Lothlórien.
  3. Neldiir_Meli

    In Progress Neldir_Meli Guide Application

    I Hosted a Tour about Tharbad and played a game of GeoGuessr afterwards. Also I created a Server Lore document about Lothlorien and the Valley of Anduin.
  4. Neldiir_Meli

    In Progress Neldir_Meli Guide Application

    I hosted a tour today about the War of the Rohirmm Movie, that came out 2 Mouths ago and Showing the Location and talking about the and Server Lore. Also did a game of Geogeosr after that. I also helped out some new People who just joined the Server.
  5. Neldiir_Meli

    In Progress Neldir_Meli Guide Application

    I helped out some people with their Texturepack issues over the week. Also hosted some rounds of GeoGuessr to get more familiar with the Commands And hosted a Game of Hide and Seek after tour of Animator.
  6. Neldiir_Meli

    In Progress Neldir_Meli Guide Application

    I did a Tour through Anfalas, I had some people join up and ran a Hide and Seek Game. (Made a Screen at the start of the Tour from the DC Chat)
  7. Neldiir_Meli

    In Progress Neldir_Meli Guide Application

    I did two Hide and Seek Minigames - First one _TheLuke also joined.
  8. Neldiir_Meli

    In Progress Neldir_Meli Guide Application

    Today I hosted my first Tour and showed the region Cardolan and some other buildings near it.
  9. Neldiir_Meli

    In Progress Neldir_Meli Guide Application

    Minecraft Username: Neldir_Meli Discord UserName: meliodas.meli Date Joined: 30 July 2019 Do you meet the minimum requirements to apply? Yes Why would you like to become a Guide? I enjoy going around the Beautiful builds of MCMiddleearth quite often, Aldburg being by fav. together with Dol...