• Welcome to MCME!

    Minecraft Middle Earth is a Minecraft community that recreates the world described by JRR Tolkien and his writings. Everyone can participate in organized events in which we collaborate to create major landmarks, terrain, caves, castles, towns, farms and more.

    To get started, visit The New Player Guide

    Joining the server

    Joining the server can be done straight away, but you will have to pass the New Player Quiz. Use the The New Player Guide to get acquainted with our community.

    IP: build.mcmiddleearth.com

Recent content by Mediodox

  1. Mediodox

    Mediodox's animation badge application

    Minecraft Username : Mediodox When did you join MCME : 13 July 2019 What rank are you currently and approximately how long have you had that rank?: Artist. I have had the rank twice. Once in 2021 and currently from 23rd of October this year. Which WE badge do you have? Limited Why should we...
  2. Mediodox

    Mediodox's foreman application

    Minecraft Username : Mediodox Date Joined : July 13 2019 Country: Sweden Are you regularly logged on our voice communication? Yes Do you actively speak on our voice communication? Yes Do you have any particular skills? I have an easy time speaking and communicating with others, I do like to...
  3. Mediodox

    Remove TP perms for foreman

    Kind of annoying to have people tp you around when you're trying to do shit. Maybe restrict tp perms to jobs During several recent events a foreman TP'd me to a plot he told me to do while I had clearly stated that I had no intention of working on it.
  4. Mediodox

    Canceled Mediodox's artist application 3.1 remaster

    IGN: Mediodox Date: First joined the server some time in July 2019 ================================================== Jobs and Plots Ayla tomb concept 6750 200 3100 Rwyland Anorien farmstead 7981 -41 3200 Rwyland fields + 2 silos 6969 -30 2750 Rwyland interiors 8008 -30 3030 Rwyland...
  5. Mediodox

    Cancelled Mediodox Artist Application v3.1

    I have returned. IGN: Mediodox First joined the server some time in July 2019 The reason I resigned was because I just didn't feel a desire to create anything. This creative urge has came back as of recently and I want to get back into MCME to help and build once again. Freebuild stuff Castle...
  6. Mediodox

    Accepted Mediodox's limited world edit badge

    When did you join? July 13 2019 What rank do you currently have and about for how have you had it? I've had Artist for about a week now How experienced are you with world edit? I've known that basics for a while but just learned about blockmixing and rotating on all of the axes Will you need...
  7. Mediodox

    List of commoner projects

    1st: The common room 2nd: The playerhead vault 3rd: Minas calad 4th: Amon rudh 5th: Gondolin Fun fact: none of these are finished
  8. Mediodox

    Accepted Mediodox's minigame badge application

    Date: 13 july 2019 Rank: Commoner I would like to have the minigame badge so that I could give adventurers something to do while they wait to become commoner or just as a way to do something fun among the players of MCME to keep the community close.
  9. Mediodox

    Accepted Mediodox's artist application

    Date: ca July 20th Jobs/projects: Helped do the rivers and path outside of Lond Daer Enedh. Did some vegetation in Osgiliath and and vegetated some buildings. Helped build some of the glaciers around the Gladden pass summit. Built some storage in moria. Helped replace the wall around osgiliath...