• Welcome to MCME!

    Minecraft Middle Earth is a Minecraft community that recreates the world described by JRR Tolkien and his writings. Everyone can participate in organized events in which we collaborate to create major landmarks, terrain, caves, castles, towns, farms and more.

    To get started, visit The New Player Guide

    Joining the server

    Joining the server can be done straight away, but you will have to pass the New Player Quiz. Use the The New Player Guide to get acquainted with our community.

    IP: build.mcmiddleearth.com

Recent content by mattlego

  1. mattlego

    In Progress Andrast [Stage 3 - Vegetation]

    ~:~|~:~ Andrast [Stage 3 - Vegetation] ~:~|~:~ - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - Project Leader: mattlego Co-Leader: N/A Project Staff: N/A Introduction Andrast is moving into Stage 3 where Stage 1 was terraforming (sandrast) and Stage 2 was materials. I have split the...
  2. mattlego

    Matt's Maps

    I will post pictures of my maps here. Feel free to request a map of anything you'd like (as long as it's something on this server :p) Full map: (I cropped the bottom off) Minas Tirith:
  3. mattlego

    Lond Daer Stained Glass

    For the past who knows how long, I have been texturing the glass below to be used specifically in rose windows but could be used for other things as well. Forum Title: Glass for Lond Daer Filename: glass Resource Pack: Eriador Texture description: Clear Glass Has this texture already been...
  4. mattlego

    Finished Ethring pt. 2

    Ethring [Finished] /Warp Ethtemp Project Leader: mattlego Project Staff: Fireinferno13 Background Lore: Ethring is a bridge in southern Gondor. Ethring was a major crossing point of the river Ringlo, along the main road from Erech to Pelargir. Aragorn and the Oathbreakers crossed the river here...
  5. mattlego

    Matt's Screenshots

    If you believe there are not enough screenshot threads then you are in luck. I decided to hop on the bandwagon and take some screenshots. Thanks @Ma5terMinD for smiling for the camera in 2 screenshots. Warning: There are about 50 screenshots of Moria... ya
  6. mattlego

    House of Tarannon Falastur

    How long have you been on the server?: Over 1 Year What is your current rank?: Artist Who have you contacted to help you out with this project?: Mandos and Jack Have you been part in any projects before? If yes elaborate what you did: If a freebuild project with a group of artists for Umbar...
  7. mattlego

    mattlego's MCME Series

    I decided to make this thread so I could get some feedback on my videos, what I should improve, what is working well, all of that stuff. (I hope this is in the right thread, you can move it if it is wrong) I will post all of the videos here after they are on youtube so you don't have to check...
  8. mattlego


    Minecraft Username : mattlego Date Joined : 16 March 2014 Themed Builds participated in: Southern Gondorian Villages Lockholes Tirith Aear Cross-Roads Old Guesthouse and much much more! https://mattlego.imgur.com/ Other Builds: Minas House Osgo Houses Lots of trees What is your prefered...