• Welcome to MCME!

    Minecraft Middle Earth is a Minecraft community that recreates the world described by JRR Tolkien and his writings. Everyone can participate in organized events in which we collaborate to create major landmarks, terrain, caves, castles, towns, farms and more.

    To get started, visit The New Player Guide

    Joining the server

    Joining the server can be done straight away, but you will have to pass the New Player Quiz. Use the The New Player Guide to get acquainted with our community.

    IP: build.mcmiddleearth.com

Recent content by Kisos

  1. Kisos

    Accepted kiso

    Date you joined the server: November 1 2013 Jobs and similar activities that you participated in on the MCME server: A lot of jobs One or multiple links to screenshots of any builds you made: Imgur, http://imgur.com/a/i30vy Your interests: I like building all sorts of things, especially revamps...
  2. Kisos

    Randomness Thread

    Im creating this thread, for some silly, stupid, made-up, mildly entertaining stories, inside all our heads. Ill start off with one, and i hope some other ppl can post a few here. One twilight, a hippopotamus, who was somewhat of a snorkeling enthusiest, and spoke fluently in 3 asian...
  3. Kisos

    MCME Present Hunt 2015

    Welcome ladies and gents to the Christmas 2015 MCME Present Hunt. Nasty Melkor has stolen all of the little hobbitses presents and its up to you to find all of them! They are hidden in various locations around the map, and with each one you find, you will be given a clue to find the next...
  4. Kisos

    Finished Bareketta

    Project leader: kiso Reserve leader: Fireinferno /warp Bareketta -Bar Eketya - Middle-earth Role Playing Wiki -Eket - Middle-earth Role Playing Wiki -Eketta Lands - Middle-earth Role Playing Wiki Bareketta is a fortified town at the shores of the Lake Evendim in Arnor. It was the family seat...
  5. Kisos

    K1sk1's screehshots

    If we diddnt have enough screenshot threads, here is another! Just got a new computer that can run shaders! First i did a ton of shots of places I either like a lot, or are a bit on the spectacular side! enjoj. (good shader pack @el_schnarcho !) Also special thanks to @ardelenia and...
  6. Kisos

    Snow covered stone

    Forum Title: Snow covered stone Filename: www.mediafire.com/view/7m1nq1enecfv81n/hardened_clay_stained_gray.png Resource Pack: Eriador Texture description: Snow covered rock. My best attempt from Luckys suggestion Has this texture already been used? If not, where will it be used? Nope. Will be...
  7. Kisos


    Filename: Resource Pack and Location: Eriador, flower_tulip_red Texture description:Its a rock for the path to rivendell Reference:Dont really have one. Just copied our stone texture and added some moss to the bottom Forum Title: Rock/flower...
  8. Kisos

    Finished Shire Trees

    Shire Trees /warp Shire Treebuild Project Leader:K1sk1BBab35 Project Staff: oth0116 http://tolkiengateway.net/wiki/The_Shire Redoing all the vanilla/WE trees in the Shire! (Eriador RP) Concept Art: Stage 1: TreeBuilds [Done] Making some concepts before we do the treebuilds on plotworld...
  9. Kisos

    Finished Rivendell Reboot

    Rivendell Reboot Leaders: KlemensPlusLukas, K1sK1BBab35, MuddyDirt Supervisors: Credoo, iSMiTHz General Plan: 1. Build all of the trees in the valley-(in progress) 2. Update the cliffs to add more depth. This means...
  10. Kisos

    Hobbit Hole in a backyard

    Hey everyone. Surprisingly even to myself i just spent a lot of money to have some guy dig a hole for me. In this hole i am planning to build a hobbit house/hole. Here on this thread i will post pictures of progress and other things. I need the communities help though too. I am not exactly a...
  11. Kisos

    Delete This

    Here I will be posting a collection of art pieces that I do. I am not a professional either but it is something i enjoy at school so i decided to share it with you all :) Mostly i am interested in sports, nature, and pokemon so this album will reflect that.