• Welcome to MCME!

    Minecraft Middle Earth is a Minecraft community that recreates the world described by JRR Tolkien and his writings. Everyone can participate in organized events in which we collaborate to create major landmarks, terrain, caves, castles, towns, farms and more.

    To get started, visit The New Player Guide

    Joining the server

    Joining the server can be done straight away, but you will have to pass the New Player Quiz. Use the The New Player Guide to get acquainted with our community.

    IP: build.mcmiddleearth.com

Recent content by JustRocket

  1. JustRocket

    Accepted JustRocket Limited Worldedit

    When did you join?- Nov.8, 2019 What rank are you currently and approximately how long have you had the rank?- Artist, got it on the 7th of june How experienced are you in FAWE?- I have some experience using WorldEdit in singleplayer and on other multiplayer servers Will you need instructions...
  2. JustRocket

    Accepted JustRocket Artist app

    Date: 8.11.2019 Jobs and Plotbuilds: Agar house buildday, with Joske/Orruss/Rudo Agar street detailing, with Ayla Moria west gate plot with joske Moria west gate lake and street job with Joske Carrock river cliffs with Hypr Plotsquared Plots: Plot id -3;0, rating 77 (the one with the viking...
  3. JustRocket

    Accepted JustRocket Minigames badge application

    So, i have been active on the server for- let just say a while now, and i have, just now decided to apply for the minigames badge. When did you join? - -Nov.8 2019. What is your current rank? -...
  4. JustRocket

    Canceled KingRocketII Minigames badge application

    When did you join? Nov. 8, 2019 What is your current rank? Commoner Why do you want this badge? i want this badge so i can run some minigames and give fellow MCMErs a generaly good and fun time on the server, and to give adventurers a litle change of scenery outside of pvp/jobs and exploring...
  5. JustRocket

    Canceled KingRocketII Tour-/Minigame Badge

    Minigame/Tour: When did you join? Nov. 8 2019 What is your current rank? Commoner Why do you want these badge? i want these badges, so that i will be better prepared to become a guide. Tour: What do you think you can do to make a good Tour? a good tour is combination of lore/Medival acurracy...
  6. JustRocket

    Canceled KingRocketII Guide Application

    Minecraft Username : KingRocketII Date Joined : 08 November 2019 What country are from / What time do you usually play online : Germany / 12pm-11pm CET Are you regularly on our voice communication? Yes Do you talk on our voice communication? Yes What makes a great Guide according to you? i...