• Welcome to MCME!

    Minecraft Middle Earth is a Minecraft community that recreates the world described by JRR Tolkien and his writings. Everyone can participate in organized events in which we collaborate to create major landmarks, terrain, caves, castles, towns, farms and more.

    To get started, visit The New Player Guide

    Joining the server

    Joining the server can be done straight away, but you will have to pass the New Player Quiz. Use the The New Player Guide to get acquainted with our community.

    IP: build.mcmiddleearth.com

Recent content by Jonatanknalle

  1. Jonatanknalle

    Accepted Jona for guide

    When did you join? 1st of april 2018 What is your current rank? Artist What do you think you can do to make a good Tour? One which does not only teach people about lore and the server but also does so in a fun and enjoyable way. Why do you want this badge? Well firstly; It would be nice to be...
  2. Jonatanknalle

    Finished My Resignation

    Hello people of MCME! As you may be aware I have been active for a long time, I joined back in april 2018 and I would consider myself to have been active ever since. MCME has been a part of my life for more than a year now and it has been a truly amazing journey. Recently many of you may...
  3. Jonatanknalle

    ~The New MCME Times~ [16/6/19]

    Scorching Summers Heat It may be hot but progression hasn't slowed a bit on MCME Editor's Note by Soarz Progress hasn’t stopped over the last few weeks, and with school and testing being done we are starting new projects. Many things are coming up and everyone is super excited. We have...
  4. Jonatanknalle

    About the job list forum

    -The Job List Information- ---------------------------------------------- About this forum: ------------------------------- This forum is a way for Artists and above (mainly Designers and Assistants) to inform and assign Foremen to tasks which require the help of jobs, for example tedious tasks...
  5. Jonatanknalle

    FoolhardyFish Trial Job:

    ~~ @FoolhardyFish Foreman Trial Job 2019 ~~ Welcome everyone to Fish's trial job, this time we are gonna vegetate houses in the former capital of Gondor, Osgiliath! Supervisor: Head Designer BWOT | Co-Supervisors and Job runners: Assistant Jonatanknalle , Artist FoolhardyFish Time and Date...
  6. Jonatanknalle

    RVB_Legend Trial Job:

    ~~ @RVB_Legend Foreman Trial Job 2019 ~~ Welcome everyone to RVB's trial job in the outsiders trade hall, West gate, Moria, Middle Earth, Arda. Supervisor: Head Designer BWOT | Co-Supervisors and Job runners: Assistant Jonatanknalle , Artist RVB_Legend Time and Date: 19:00~22:00 BST, Sunday...
  7. Jonatanknalle

    My agenda

    Hello all! Jona here and as you should be aware I am the new foreman assistant and BWOT I thought it would be a good idea to share my plans with the public: As you know we have quite a shortage of foremen at the moment, I have assistant stuff to do and Toti will start making more videos soon so...
  8. Jonatanknalle

    Accepted WE+ badge application: Jonatanknalle

    Badge requirements: Be at least Artist or Guide: Yes. Have an adequate amount of experience in FAWE: Yes. Is responsible and mature enough to use the tool in an effective manner: Yes. Application: When did you join? April 9, 2018 What rank are you currently and approximately how long have...
  9. Jonatanknalle

    Accepted Jonatanknalle's Voxel Application

    Jonatanknalle's voxel application: Is at least Artist or Guide: Yes. Has experience in Voxel: Yes. Has knowledge in making Terrain: Yes. Is responsible and mature enough to use the tool in an effective manner: Yes. When did you join? 9 april 2018 What rank are you currently and...
  10. Jonatanknalle

    Accepted Jonatanknalle's foreman application:

    Minecraft username: Jonatanknalle Date joined: April the 9th Country: The great kingdom of Sweden Are you regularly logged on our voice communication? Mostly Do you actively speak on our voice communication? Not that much, though last week I have been talking quite regularly. Do you have any...
  11. Jonatanknalle

    Accepted Jonatanknalle Minigames badge application

    Minigames badge application: Badge requirements: 1. Must be artist or above: Yes 2. Must have a microphone: Yes 3. Must talk regularly on discord: No Application: -When did you join MCME?: April 9th, 2018 -What is your current rrank?: Artist -Why do you want this rank?: I think minigames are...
  12. Jonatanknalle

    Accepted Limited WorldEdit, Jonatanknalle:

    Limited WE badge application: Jonatanknalle When did you join?: April 8 2018, (i have also been the most active player the last month, at least last time i checked) What rank are you currently and approximately how long have you had that rank?: Artist, a couple of months. How experienced...
  13. Jonatanknalle

    Resolved How to get trophies?

    I have been all over the forums trying to find information about how to get trophies on the forums. Can someone tell me how it works?
  14. Jonatanknalle

    Accepted Jonatanknalle: Artist application

    Date: April 8 2018 Jobs: Farms in Belfalas with Barteldvn, Moria halls with NicTheFifth, one small house in Dol Amorth with Barteldvn, vegitation in Tolfalas with Thomas18, "dasewers1/2/3...”with Pants_of_sindar, marshes in "marshytolfalas" with Henryengerd, two houses in coldlake manor (one...