• Welcome to MCME!

    Minecraft Middle Earth is a Minecraft community that recreates the world described by JRR Tolkien and his writings. Everyone can participate in organized events in which we collaborate to create major landmarks, terrain, caves, castles, towns, farms and more.

    To get started, visit The New Player Guide

    Joining the server

    Joining the server can be done straight away, but you will have to pass the New Player Quiz. Use the The New Player Guide to get acquainted with our community.

    IP: build.mcmiddleearth.com

Recent content by jaeger0818

  1. jaeger0818

    Canceled Jaeger0818's Guide application

    Minecraft Username : Jaeger0818 Date Joined : Sometime in december, on discord it say's I joined in 29 Oct 2023 What country are from / What time do you usually play online: America, i Normally get on around noon Are you regularly on our voice communication? Yes Do you talk on our voice...
  2. jaeger0818

    Canceled minigame badge application

    When did you join? Some time in December What is your current rank? commoner/Donor Do you regularly use our voice communication? I do yes Why would you like this badge? to spread fun around each corner of the server If you were to get the badge, how often would you use it? once a month at best...
  3. jaeger0818

    Resolved MCME Lego M.O.C Contest

    MOC Stands for My Own Creation. We Have Everyone On MCME Make a lego Lord of the rings MOC and and post a picture/Video Of it on Screenshots, Then a select board of members+Me will review and discuss every Moc and the best one Will win and be posted On Lego Ideas.com, and then Everyone on the...
  4. jaeger0818

    The events of lotr could have been prevented change my mind

    if elrond killed the person when they were in mount doom
  5. jaeger0818

    Making PVP Badge

    The badge would be for people who can apply to get a badge which is for knowing a lot about lotr animals. a lotr zoologist if you will *or something like that ya know* I havent thought about the name much but this would be really cool and there could be a headquarters for people with this badge...
  6. jaeger0818

    Cancelled Jaeger0818's Application.

    Date: December 22 2022 Jobs and Plotbuilds: I did the Moria_is_awsome job we built some arches And added more texture to the Long hallway of kazahdum. And then aylayla Ran a job about fixing roads and stuff like that Themed-builds:None Additional Builds: I have built my version of bag end on...