• Welcome to MCME!

    Minecraft Middle Earth is a Minecraft community that recreates the world described by JRR Tolkien and his writings. Everyone can participate in organized events in which we collaborate to create major landmarks, terrain, caves, castles, towns, farms and more.

    To get started, visit The New Player Guide

    Joining the server

    Joining the server can be done straight away, but you will have to pass the New Player Quiz. Use the The New Player Guide to get acquainted with our community.

    IP: build.mcmiddleearth.com

Recent content by Haldir_123

  1. Haldir_123

    Replay-Mod workshop

    You always wanted to create a video with cool minecraft clips? Than this is your event! On the 27.02.2021 Johny and I will make an ReplayMod workshop and show you all important stuff to know. Since ReplayMod is quite hard to install we offer to go through the installation with you. 10:00 GMT ...
  2. Haldir_123

    Tolkien Music Night

    Hello and Welcome to the Tolkien Music Night!!! On every last Saturday of the month, at 15:00-17:00 GMT we will have a Tolkien Music Night where everyone can present their favourite Lord of the rings song, poem or instrumental! After we had some amazing people performing amazing songs I am...
  3. Haldir_123

    J.R.R.Tolkien Song Contest

    Hello and welcome to the Tolkien Song Contest, on the 30.01.2021 at 16:00 servertime (should be CET, correct me when I am wrong) we will meet in the eventchannel on the discordserver and share some of J.R.R.Tolkien's songs and poems with eachother. Now it is on you to decide what is your...
  4. Haldir_123

    Accepted Haldir's Guide Application

    Minecraft Username : Haldir_123 Date Joined : 26 April 2016 What country are from / What time do you usually play online: Germany, around the evening Are you regularly on our voice communication? Yes Do you talk on our voice communication? Nearly always Why would you like to be a Guide? I would...
  5. Haldir_123

    Minas Tirith Sewer Map

    Hi, the Cartography Team is working on the Minas Tirith sewermap atm, here are the WIP maps, intrested in helping in similar projects? DM me or join our discord server ;D Join the MCME Cartography Discord Server! Layer 1 Layer 2 Layer 3 Layer 4 Layer 5
  6. Haldir_123

    Bag End Map

  7. Haldir_123

    Paths of the Dead

  8. Haldir_123

    MCME Speedrun How to and Leaderboard

    Hello and welcome to MCME Speed run How does it work? First of all u decide which path u want to speed run, the official runs at the moment are: 1.Paths of the dead short 2.Paths of the dead throne 3.Great Barrow Now you look for your run: 1.where is the start 2.where is the end 3.is there...
  9. Haldir_123

    Great Barrow Map

    The Cartography Team is slowly working it ways throgh every maze in Middle Earth... Working on this Map : Haldir_123, aVeryAngryBadger Feel free to leave feedback