• Welcome to MCME!

    Minecraft Middle Earth is a Minecraft community that recreates the world described by JRR Tolkien and his writings. Everyone can participate in organized events in which we collaborate to create major landmarks, terrain, caves, castles, towns, farms and more.

    To get started, visit The New Player Guide

    Joining the server

    Joining the server can be done straight away, but you will have to pass the New Player Quiz. Use the The New Player Guide to get acquainted with our community.

    IP: build.mcmiddleearth.com

Recent content by greencaver

  1. greencaver

    Optimum Solutions to the MCME Building Block

    MCME is suffering. Why is it suffering? There are a plethora of reasons, but one contributor to MCME’s hardship is its lack of new builders. This dearth is generated by disinterest in the artist rank and the multitude of failed artist applications that have presented many good builders to the...
  2. greencaver

    Suggestion Bring Back The Slots

    The slots, as well as the coinflip feature, were recently removed from the discord bot channel. These features were a beneficial component of the coin system that a plethora of commoners have been utilizing for the past few months. It was a considerably effective method of gaining coins and...
  3. greencaver

    Suggestion Accurately Representing Tolkien's Works

    Our current map is 29k by 30k blocks. Our locations range from 1:4 scale to 1:1 scale. However, our terrain is 1:100 scale. I strongly believe that, in order to accurately represent Tolkien's world through our Minecraft world, we need to use world painter to create a new map of Middle Earth that...
  4. greencaver

    Under review Remove Discord Suggestions

    Having discord suggestions allows people to make suggestions in a space where it's difficult to have a structured discussion about said suggestions. It also enables people to suggest things on a whim without fully thinking through them. Suggestions shouldn't be split between two platforms...
  5. greencaver

    Bug | Issue Staff Need To Respond!!!

    I think that either a vala, manager, or designer should respond to every single suggestion post with their position on the suggestion, what they plan to do about the suggestion (if anything), and when they plan to do it. For simple suggestions, there can be simple responses, but I expect...
  6. greencaver

    Suggestion Respectful Resignation Messages

    Our current resignation messages in the Times are outrageous and disrespectful! Many dedicated members of MCME volunteer years of dedication and months of playtime to the server, and they get a mere "X has been around for ages and has done a lot for the server in that time. Farewell and hope to...
  7. greencaver

    Suggestion Add Dances to MCME! (ft. Fortnite)

    MCME is, without a doubt, struggling to maintain an acceptably sized player base. However, I believe that adding dances to MCME with a plugin and some block bench modeling would give people more freedom with how they interact with other players on the map. Obviously, we would add some custom...
  8. greencaver

    The Imperative MCME Moderation REVAMP

    People of MCME, I come here today with an incredibly serious and important suggestion, the contents of which I have been conceptualizing for some time. The moderation on this server has been corrupted, arbitrary, and discriminatory for years with only small changes implemented. The moderation is...
  9. greencaver

    Suggestion Important Ideas That Should Be Implemented (Look forward to a larger, revamp based thread soon)

    Add a command that shows you the number of tours you've joined. Add a command that shows you the number of jobs you've joined. Add a command that shows you the number of tours you've ran. Add a command that shows you the number of jobs you've ran. Add a command as a quick way to get certain...
  10. greencaver

    Canceled greencaver's Ultimate Perfectly-Timed Minigame Badge Application V2.00

    Addressed to our current MCME Guides: When did you join? What is your current rank? Do you regularly use our voice communication? Why would you like this badge? If you were to get the badge, how often would you use it? How would you make the minigames fun and enjoyable? Thank you for taking...
  11. greencaver

    Front Of Erebor

    I propose that we build a placeholder of the front of Erebor on the lonely mountain to the best of our ability with the current textures that we have and the terrain in that area. The main point of this would be to add a sign on the front gate of Erebor that would say "Coming Soon" or "Not Built...
  12. greencaver

    MCME Adventure Mode

    This new mode would take the word “adventure” to a whole new level within MCME! It would be activated by a command that you would type in chat, which would activate PvP for you and any other players in Adventure Mode. You would be able to choose a kit and switch between kits whenever you die...
  13. greencaver

    PvP Request and PvP Mod Badge

    Wouldn't it be cool if you could officially request pvp? I think it would be pretty cool, because it would notify the guides similarly to the tour request command. Also, you would be able to specifically request a guide that you want to run pvp, because some guides have better pvps than others...
  14. greencaver

    MP had some cool ideas

    Idea 1: There should be different “versions” of the main world for certain areas such as the Balrog, Isengard, Minas Tirith, etc. These “versions” of the map would follow the dates that are laid out in Lord of the Rings. For example, Minas Tirith’s fields would be changed to burnt down fields on...
  15. greencaver

    PlotSquared Suggestions (ft. Wyattrox03)

    I think it should mention the "/plot help" command in the part of the plotsquared spawn that talks about the other commands so that it's easier for new people to find and use the other plotsquared commands. Some commands aren't well known such as the /plot music command that allows you to play...