• Welcome to MCME!

    Minecraft Middle Earth is a Minecraft community that recreates the world described by JRR Tolkien and his writings. Everyone can participate in organized events in which we collaborate to create major landmarks, terrain, caves, castles, towns, farms and more.

    To get started, visit The New Player Guide

    Joining the server

    Joining the server can be done straight away, but you will have to pass the New Player Quiz. Use the The New Player Guide to get acquainted with our community.

    IP: build.mcmiddleearth.com

Recent content by Eriol_Eandur

  1. Eriol_Eandur

    suggestion for porting middle-earth project to Minecraft Bedrock

    I guess Aternos is using GeyserMC too. We could install GeyserMC at our servers but it would help much without converting our resource packs. And we would need some kind of automation of that conversion as we are keep developing our resource packs. This is quite a big project. I really want to...
  2. Eriol_Eandur

    indicator to show what chat you're in

    I think your chat channel is tied on individual servers. I don't think VentureChat is doing any chat channel synchronization across servers. That's something we could work on. But doesn't sound very simple. I guess it would end up rather far down my todo list. A simple solution could be to send...
  3. Eriol_Eandur

    indicator to show what chat you're in

    I don't think I understand what you mean. What has your current server to do with this? No problem to send a chat message when you do /l or /g. But that is quickly scrolling up, so no help when you forgot your channel.
  4. Eriol_Eandur

    indicator to show what chat you're in

    Any idea how to do that?
  5. Eriol_Eandur

    the server is not authenticated with Minecraft.net

    You need to buy Mincraft to get a valid account. I think you can then add it to TLauncher. But I would not entrust my account credentials to a hacky thing like TLauncher.
  6. Eriol_Eandur

    Issues with Human Resource Pack 1.21.1, Resource Reload Fails

    Hey WaxCause, and using the /rp client lite pack didn't help?
  7. Eriol_Eandur

    the server is not authenticated with Minecraft.net

    Hey Kristybald, the error message "not authenticated with Minecraft" refers to your client, not the MCME server. You need to have a valid Minecraft account to join the server. We can't allow cracked Minecraft clients as that would be a severe security risk. ~Eriol
  8. Eriol_Eandur

    Mordor Pack (Pre-Release)

    Eriol_Eandur submitted a new resource: Mordor Pack (Pre-Release) - Resource Pack for Mordor Read more about this resource...
  9. Eriol_Eandur

    Resource Pack and Shader Guide

    Eriol_Eandur submitted a new resource: Resource Pack and Shader Guide - A guide to solve issues with our resource packs and shaders. Read more about this resource...
  10. Eriol_Eandur

    Forest Trees

    Forest Update released! Yay! I think now it's time to discuss forest trees! Toti and the texturer team gave uns incredible possibilities. But we still have to develop styles and techniques to use them to build realistic trees. So here are my thoughts: Trees are living plants! Trivial? Yes...
  11. Eriol_Eandur

    Were the Nazgûl still humans?

    In my understanding the Nazgûl ARE still 'living' humans at the end of Third Age. By living humans I mean they had a fëa (spirit/soul) and hröa (body). Though maybe 'undead' is maybe more fitting than 'living' as you'll see below. Of course all of the Nazgul were humans aka Mortal Men. At least...
  12. Eriol_Eandur

    History of Umbar

    Well, when I think of the history of Umbar: - numenorean trade / harvest outpost (probably 600 S.A.) - numenorean port (probably 1200 S.A.) - great fortress of Numenor (2280 S.A.) - main port of the "King's Men" later known as Black Numenorer (3300 S.A.) It must have been an impressive fortress...
  13. Eriol_Eandur

    Age of Legolas, Thranduil and Oropher

    Age of Legolas, is father Thranduil and grandfather Oropher is quite unclear. Tolkien Gateway i found this: But in the source they give only Oropher is mentioned: It doesn't even say that Oropher was born before the ruin of Doriath F.A. 507 like Tolkien Gatway assumes. It only says the folk...
  14. Eriol_Eandur

    Ruins in Gondor

    Should we build ruined villages and farms ouside Osgiliath is a recurring question so we'd better discuss it here. So here are my thoughts about it: The population of Gondor was decreasing over the last 1600 years of Third Age: It began with with the kinstrife in T.A. 1432. Osgiliath was not...
  15. Eriol_Eandur

    MCME Resource Pack Guide

    Eriol_Eandur submitted a new resource: MCME Resource Pack Guide - An introductions to resource packs for best visual experience at MCME servers Read more about this resource...