• Welcome to MCME!

    Minecraft Middle Earth is a Minecraft community that recreates the world described by JRR Tolkien and his writings. Everyone can participate in organized events in which we collaborate to create major landmarks, terrain, caves, castles, towns, farms and more.

    To get started, visit The New Player Guide

    Joining the server

    Joining the server can be done straight away, but you will have to pass the New Player Quiz. Use the The New Player Guide to get acquainted with our community.

    IP: build.mcmiddleearth.com

Recent content by destructotank09

  1. destructotank09

    Canceled Re-app for Destructotank (Tour Badge)

    When did you join? I joined the MCME server on April 23rd, 2020. What is your current rank? Commoner, but I'm working to be a Guide. What do you think you can do to make a good Tour? To make a good Tour it is necessary for tourists to know the place where the Tour is taking place, Tours are...
  2. destructotank09

    Upgrading Discord

    We should add something for those who are not on the server, they can welcome new people such as, for example, you get a message saying: "[player] has just joined" and so we who are on Discord can also interact because we don't know when they enter. Also because this can also boost the spirits...
  3. destructotank09

    Canceled Destructotank09's Tour Badge Application

    When did you join? I joined MCME server on Thursday, April 23rd, 2020 What is your current rank? I am a Commoner, but I want to be a Guide in the future. What do you think you can do to have a good tour? I have five months playing MCME! (not every day) helping people and making them happy...
  4. destructotank09

    Canceled Destructotank09's Minigame Badge Application

    When did you join? I joined the server for first time in Thursday, April, 23th, 2020 What is your current rank? I'm a commoner, but i'm thinking about applying for Guide in the future. Why do you want this badge? Because, when too few people that has that badge and they are not online, I...
  5. destructotank09

    Pvp Ideas

    Hi, im destructo. I have been reading at forums, and i found that in pvp you can do more that only kill the other! (I don't know that is real, it says that in pvp server manual) in helm's deep you can blow up the wall earning a tnt but i don't know. Also you can hit minas tirith's gate pressing...
  6. destructotank09

    Canceled Destructotank09's Mingame Badge Application

    When i join? April, 23th, 2020 What is my current rank? Commoner Rank (DON'T TRUST IN THE PAGE OF MCME FORUMS I JUST REGISTER HERE, I AM A COMMONER IN THE SERVER, NOT AN STARTING ADVENTURER) Why i want this badge? Because i heard people asking something to play games on this server. I can...
  7. destructotank09

    Canceled Destructotank09's Badge Application

    Hi, i want to have badge application, because people get boring sometimes. and i want to make their happy playing minigames. So, play minigames is very fun! So many times people ask for that! Thanks, Destructotank09