• Welcome to MCME!

    Minecraft Middle Earth is a Minecraft community that recreates the world described by JRR Tolkien and his writings. Everyone can participate in organized events in which we collaborate to create major landmarks, terrain, caves, castles, towns, farms and more.

    To get started, visit The New Player Guide

    Joining the server

    Joining the server can be done straight away, but you will have to pass the New Player Quiz. Use the The New Player Guide to get acquainted with our community.

    IP: build.mcmiddleearth.com

Recent content by Davidisc

  1. Davidisc

    David's Screenshots

    Here is a more formal collection of my screenshots. Was going to post as an album, but 4k-12k screenshots file sizes are pretty big at times. *Descriptions directly from my Imgur. With that being said. Here is volume 1! 1. One of the servers crowning builds, Minas Tirith, illuminated by the...
  2. Davidisc

    If You Could Be A Country, Which Would You Be?

    I think I would be Italy. Purely do to food reasons. Or France.
  3. Davidisc

    Canceled DavidIsc for Guide

    Username- DavidIsc Date Joined- 19 February 2014 Active Times- United States of America. Weekdays- 3:00p.m to 12:00a.m Weekends 7:00a.m tp 3:00a.m. Voice Coms- I tend to be often, mainly in the evenings, but can be on whenever needed. What Makes a Guide?- A guide is someone who comes in...
  4. Davidisc

    Adventures In Nelflime Project

    Okay so as some of you know I am a author whom is currently writing a fantasy novel. Over the last few months I have lost motivation on my work. But today I was in health class and I got an Idea while experimenting with a side project. I am going to write a series of short stories explaining the...
  5. Davidisc

    A Messege From The Nogrod Team-Ninja Potafo-Join now.

    Nogrod. Tumuzahar. The Hollowbold. The greatest of the Ancient Dwarf Cities, Nogrod was revered for it's enormous smithies, incredible craftsmanship abilities, beautiful halls, and it's proud, stubborn, stumpy, warlike, Firebeard Dwarves. Located in the Blue Mountains south of Belegost, it was...
  6. Davidisc

    Hobbit Chapter 2 Sunday At 7:00 Pm Est./01:00 London time. Read by-TheRealDavidisc(Cancelled)

    I am going to try to stream the GOT in TS for those who have not read the books or just wants to her it again. I will start as soon as posible so dont miss it!:p
  7. Davidisc

    Mt. Team NEEDS YOU

    Come join us at /warp Nargothrond in FB and do one simple thin..... BUILD THEM MOUNTAINS!
  8. Davidisc

    Hitlists on survival

    Here is a place to put people you dont like up to be killed. I Issue a head on bluetackman first one to kill him and scnsht it i will become ur slave
  9. Davidisc


    You all Know what to do.;p