• Welcome to MCME!

    Minecraft Middle Earth is a Minecraft community that recreates the world described by JRR Tolkien and his writings. Everyone can participate in organized events in which we collaborate to create major landmarks, terrain, caves, castles, towns, farms and more.

    To get started, visit The New Player Guide

    Joining the server

    Joining the server can be done straight away, but you will have to pass the New Player Quiz. Use the The New Player Guide to get acquainted with our community.

    IP: build.mcmiddleearth.com

Recent content by BRASHEXODUS


    {mcme} post your mcme cinematics here :) and get the love you desire

    wish the youtube links still worked but it wont show a preview. anyways this is one of the most recent works done dol amroth hope all goes well to alll you adventure's out there enjoy :)

    Brash's Mcme pack remastered (on pause)

    Well howdy howdy all I'm coming with some exciting news (hopefully) as in regards to further pushing the packs limits over the course of 5 months I've been messing around with different parts of the texturepacks to see what we can push to the furthest. first off the list is for players that use...

    In Progress ~mcme~ 2018 quality cinematics is here!

    mcme dol amroth cinematic Hello all I am BRASHEXODUS here again with yet another sneak peak of yet another wonderfull release. this time in 4k. the mods used in this are listed below -Replay mod -optifine -better foilage mod -shaders- (a mixture of different shaders i was testing)...

    A neat idea for the community

    this is a long shot but have a plotworld for players that join the game who want to create. without being in the comp. it would be lovely to have that added.

    In Progress ~MCME~ custom adventuremap

    in the works is a custom adventuremap for the lovely server mcme with an automatic loadup of the resourcepack used in the game aswell as advanced sounds played throughout the map. you get to be a hobbit and go on different quests throughout the game. aswell as it has custom warping area aswell...


    i was wondering if i can post multiple threads to the video section or just keep it under one tab? oh well let me know this is basically part (1-na) all hd and 60 fps im now using handbreak to officially reduce my gig amount enjoy as i do want to make this community even stronger :)

    Mcme hd video replay mod

    with a render distance set to 16+ and set to 1980 hd at 60 fps i made a quick video of the spawn when you first join the server. do note it will be much better as i make more throughout time. this video was sadly around 207 gigs for under 2 minutes lol enjoy

    ~An old friend~

    *opens Door, birds chirping outside. floor creaks as i walk on the stained wooden floors. "I'm Home." As you all know of my departure from this server was severely untimely and immature on my behalf sadly each and everyday i wanted to join but was constantly in fear of ridicule. but now i set my...

    Animated smoke/Brown stained pane

    As the title says I finally finished one of many 3d models being made. I made the glass panes of the brown stained clay multi functioned. meaning you can have it as smoke or a glass pane :) doesn't interfere with the full glass block either. the smoke is on a speed of 3 just to test it out...

    Just a walk around in MCME

    Did a video of me walking around minecraft middle earth with shaders. hope it was worth watching. sorry didnt know my mic was off since i was using a new recording software :( still hope you enjoy.

    GUI themes

    here is some theme ideas using the screenshots from around the server. I only created one to get your guy's viewpoints as well as comments towards these. would these be a lovely add on? screenshots listed below are the ones that will be hopefully used. if you have one of the server please post...

    Simple addons to all packs/downloaded/from server

    MCME SHADERS LIGHTMAP V.1 DOWNLOAD V.1 HERE ->MCMEshader.zip I've created a Lightmap/overlay for all the packs. Made it compatible with the ones you download from the website to the ones when you enable the pack on the server. this brightens the mood of the pack(s) to a different extent without...

    Accepted BRASHEXODUS Application

    Date joined: Early February of 2016 Jobs: I did do a job yesterday but i have forgotten the name. It might have started with an R. but i am not for certain, he said he is going to take the screenshot which he did but i believe he is posting it at a later date. Themed Builds: I have created a...

    Screenshots of my theme build

    just a couple screenshots of my theme build of Rhosgobel. enjoy :)

    Biome specific textures 1.8 for Rohan pack (Ideas)

    Just a quick demonstration of the use of biome specific textures on any block of your choosing using optifines ctm method. works well only did a few block to test out how it will connect and look. These textures won't remove the original textures. the original textures can still spawn with the...