• Welcome to MCME!

    Minecraft Middle Earth is a Minecraft community that recreates the world described by JRR Tolkien and his writings. Everyone can participate in organized events in which we collaborate to create major landmarks, terrain, caves, castles, towns, farms and more.

    To get started, visit The New Player Guide

    Joining the server

    Joining the server can be done straight away, but you will have to pass the New Player Quiz. Use the The New Player Guide to get acquainted with our community.

    IP: build.mcmiddleearth.com

Recent content by blueblob321123

  1. blueblob321123

    Suggestions and ideas for the server

    Hi, I've been thinking on ways of how to improve the server. The main focus of these ideas is to get more people to stay on the server and not just leave straight away. Many of these ideas may have been said before but here are the ideas. 1. Getting a youtuber to come on the server I know...
  2. blueblob321123

    Accepted blueblob321123 artist aplication 2

    Hey i'd like to have another shot at artist application (first application: https://www.mcmiddleearth.com/threads/blueblob321123-artist-aplication.3557/#post-41174 ). I haven't really worked on my theme builds since last time but i think my interior skills have improved , i'd quickly like to say...
  3. blueblob321123

    Canceled blueblob321123 artist aplication

    I'm applying for builder, i joined the server on the 5th of September 2016. I've participated in some path building jobs and some some lamedon house builds, I built a house in methras north and another village i can't remember the name off for Mr smiths. I've participated in 6 theme builds so...