• Welcome to MCME!

    Minecraft Middle Earth is a Minecraft community that recreates the world described by JRR Tolkien and his writings. Everyone can participate in organized events in which we collaborate to create major landmarks, terrain, caves, castles, towns, farms and more.

    To get started, visit The New Player Guide

    Joining the server

    Joining the server can be done straight away, but you will have to pass the New Player Quiz. Use the The New Player Guide to get acquainted with our community.

    IP: build.mcmiddleearth.com

Recent content by Aule_

  1. Aule_

    Resolved what version of mine craft is the server on?

    hey tried to reconnect to the server after a long time away. but having trouble what version is the server on just in case that's my problem thx
  2. Aule_

    Aule_'s eriagondor pack

    Aule_ submitted a new resource: Aule_'s eriagondor pack - an RP pack blending eriador and gondor. Read more about this resource...
  3. Aule_

    Aule_'s tower hills concept

    Hi everyone for quite a while now I've been slowly building a concept for the tower hills. however due to time constraints and work, progress is slow. With a modified RP pack which can obtained here work has started on the first concept for Elostirion I was wondering if any good sires/madams...
  4. Aule_

    Straw texture carpet

    this is not a texture submission but I though a good idea for a block would be to use the straw texture currently used in, I think all texture packs, and use it to create a carpet, this is because it would allow us to place the straw in the rafters of barns, where most straw is kept to keep it...
  5. Aule_

    Nargothrond Project (Improved Thread)

    Welcome to the Nargothrond Project! Project Leader LuckyLarv Head Planner NinjaPotafo Head Designer ThijsdeBruin Head Builder Yojumbo (possibly Vacant) Head of Terrain(Mt) Layton333 Head of Terrain(Cavern) Vacant Head of Terrain(River/Hills)...
  6. Aule_

    Speciality and skill tags idea

    Ok so I mentioned this on the poll about rank merges. but I thought I'd dedicate a thread to this idea. I don't know much about plugins or whether what I'm about to suggest is feasible in minecraft, but I would like your opinions on it. so here goes. Build Skill Tags: (not too be confused with...
  7. Aule_

    The Nargothrond Project

    Hi all I'd like to highlight a project I'm starting on the Freebuild server. As you can tell by the title that project is Nargothrond progress album:http://imgur.com/a/uVxGy#0 Reasons for the Project There are many reason why I have started this project 1) Practice and training to improve...
  8. Aule_


    Minecraft Username : LuckyLarv Date Joined : 18th May 2014 Themed Build participated in: Forest Gate Chamber of Marzarbul White Towers Fords of Isen southern Gondor Village pelagir (unfinished) Dol Amroth(Unfinished) Link to screenshots of your Themed Build: Forest Gate: Chamber of Marzarbul...
  9. Aule_

    Mistaking Freebuilds for Themebuilds

    I'm only a thrall but I've noticed quite a few people when applying for commoner rank are submitting free builds instead of theme builds. They seem to think that taking part in concept designs for trees and houses constitute as a themebuild. I thought I'd just highlight this, in case there's...