• Welcome to MCME!

    Minecraft Middle Earth is a Minecraft community that recreates the world described by JRR Tolkien and his writings. Everyone can participate in organized events in which we collaborate to create major landmarks, terrain, caves, castles, towns, farms and more.

    To get started, visit The New Player Guide

    Joining the server

    Joining the server can be done straight away, but you will have to pass the New Player Quiz. Use the The New Player Guide to get acquainted with our community.

    IP: build.mcmiddleearth.com

Recent content by Arkengard

  1. Arkengard

    Canceled Arkengarde

    Minecraft Username : Arkengarde Date Joined : December 2011 What country are from / What time do you usually play online: Most US times, most days that I'm not busy. Are you regularly on our voice communication? Yes Do you talk on our voice communication? Yes Why would you like to be a Guide...
  2. Arkengard

    Accepted Arkengarde

    Minecraft Username : Arkengarde Date Joined : December 2011 What country are from / What time do you usually play online: Texas (UCT) and beginning Saturday, I should be available quite often. Are you regularly on our voice communication? Yes Do you talk on our voice communication? Yes What...
  3. Arkengard

    MCME's 9th Anniversary Events and Awards!

    I am proud to present to the MCME community: ~MCME's 9th Anniversary~ & ~Fall Festival~ MCME's 9th WHAT?! You heard correctly random citizen! Next Thursday (October 10th) MCME will have seen 9 years of building, rebuilding, and uh... yeah more rebuilding. There are few now who can say they've...
  4. Arkengard

    Accepted Arkengarde

    Minecraft Username : Arkengarde Date Joined : December 2011 What country are from / What time do you usually play online: Texas, USA (Timezone: UCT) Are you regularly on our voice communication? Yes Do you talk on our voice communication? Yes What makes a great Guide according to you? Everyone...
  5. Arkengard

    Accepted Tours/Minigames Badge Application [Arkengarde]

    Tours Badge Application Joined December of 2011. I am currently a commoner. Throughout my time on MCME, I have learned many important lessons in touring! I have learned that it is hard to tour YouTubers as a Guide because the point of a tour is to be a personality for people to listen to and...
  6. Arkengard


    Howdy Folks! This is being hatched pretty suddenly perhaps... but hey! Everything comes to an end eventually! I didn't expect my time as Head Guide to come to an end so soon (after only 7-8 months), but I just feel that now is the right time. I haven't spoken with many people about this yet...
  7. Arkengard

    MCME Winter Events 2018

    MCME Winter Events December 15th-30th Alright Ark, what's the plan? Well, random MCMEer, I'll tell you! Basically we're running some classic events for the server over the next half month. This is generally a time of holiday and break so the Guide Team is taking full advantage of that to give...
  8. Arkengard

    Badge Update

    Badge Update Mini Game/Guidebook Mini Games Badge: The Mini Games Badge is getting an update! You may have noticed that over the past month on MCME, the activity of the Guides has seriously decreased. Certainly new players haven't seen much Cyan on the server lately. This is entirely...
  9. Arkengard

    Rank Update

    Rank Update Assistant/Lead Builder Merger What? Another Rank Change??? That's right! The Valar held a meeting (Sunday, November 11th) wherein we discussed several topics. One of these topics was the current state of the Assistant and Lead Builder Ranks. As you all know, the ranks caused quite...
  10. Arkengard

    MCME's 8 Year Anniversary!

    I am proud to present to the MCME community: ~MCME's 8th Anniversary~ & ~Fall Festival~ What?! That's right folks. Wednesday October 10th marks the 8th year MCME has been alive and running. After all this time we have been able to maintain a beautiful recreation of Middle-Earth through the...
  11. Arkengard

    (NEW) Head Guide and Assistant

    !BREAKING NEWS! New Head Guide and Assistant What?!?! That's right! Our beloved @mandolore100 has officially stepped down from the rank of Head Guide on MCME. Concluding with a tour of his favorite spots on the server and a speech commending the efforts of the Guides under his leadership. Well...
  12. Arkengard

    The Dol Guldur Summer Event

    ~The Six Dragons Summer Events~ The Dol Guldur Puzzle Race ~~~ Starts: Sunday 29th July, 6PM CEST Welcome to The Dol Guldur Puzzle Race Challenge! Do you appreciate spending an outrageous amount of time trying to figure out a virtual problem through Minecraft? If so, I have the perfect little...
  13. Arkengard

    Hierarchy of MCME?

    Hey guys! I've noticed a lot of talk on the Off Topic Discord about displeasures regarding the MCME rank system and operation! I thought I'd make a thread here for you lot to discuss that :D Go crazy!
  14. Arkengard

    Accepted Arken's Unrestricted World Edit Application

    Date Joined: December of 2011 Rank: Currently the rank of Guide, which I have held during this term for nine months. Experience: Highly experienced. I have worked on my own project since 2014 and smaller projects prior learning the intricacies of World Edit. Competence: I will need zero...
  15. Arkengard

    Halloween Events 2017

    Halloween Events 2017 October 25-31 WHAT?!?!?!?! That's right folks! Halloween Events are here! And with them come a wide range of different activities over the next week! This post will detail each of the events. The Guides and I all hope you enjoy yourselves as your partake in some Halloween...