• Welcome to MCME!

    Minecraft Middle Earth is a Minecraft community that recreates the world described by JRR Tolkien and his writings. Everyone can participate in organized events in which we collaborate to create major landmarks, terrain, caves, castles, towns, farms and more.

    To get started, visit The New Player Guide

    Joining the server

    Joining the server can be done straight away, but you will have to pass the New Player Quiz. Use the The New Player Guide to get acquainted with our community.

    IP: build.mcmiddleearth.com

Recent content by _Lord_Of_Squids_

  1. _Lord_Of_Squids_

    My Resignation

    Howdy everybody, this is probably kinda expected for a lot of you but I've decided that I am going to resign from the rank of guide. For a while now I haven't really been able or willing (to an extent) to dedicate time to the rank and despite being given several chances I just don't see myself...
  2. _Lord_Of_Squids_

    Resolved Can't Join Server

    For the past couple days I've tried to get on but it keeps kicking me after about 30 seconds and saying that the connection was closed by the remote host. When I join the world loads, but the chat doesn't show up and the resource pack doesn't load, and then it kicks me and displays that message.
  3. _Lord_Of_Squids_

    Squid Town's Birthday Party

    I would like to officially like to invite everyone Commoner + on the server to Squid Town's 1st Birthday party! The party is on the 12th of May (Sunday) and will start at 2:00 PM EST. There will be a book reading and closing speech at 3:25 PM. You are free to come and go as you please, though...
  4. _Lord_Of_Squids_

    Accepted _Lord_Of_Squids_

    Minecraft Username : _Lord_Of_Squids_ Date Joined : 22 January 2016 What country are from / What time do you usually play online: I'm from the US (EST), and I usually play between 5:00 EST through 9:00 and then a couple hours a day during the weekend at any time. Are you regularly on our voice...
  5. _Lord_Of_Squids_

    Resolved please help me please

    For the past two months I have been completely unable to run Minecraft Java edition, which is the reason I have been completely gone for the past two months. Aside from blocking me from playing minecraft, its also incredibly annoying because everything I've tried hasn't worked. Minecraft opens...
  6. _Lord_Of_Squids_

    Canceled _Lord_Of_Squids_'s Limited WE Application

    When did you join? I joined on Christmas of 2015. What rank are you currently and approximately how long have you had that rank? I am currently Artist, and have had that rank for about a year. How experienced are you in FAWE? I have no experience in WE, but I have seen the different ways it...
  7. _Lord_Of_Squids_

    Everything :D

    No complaining about people going off-topic on this thread 'cause there is no specific topic! I'm gonna start a conversation that'll seriously make you think-What would life be like in the 1940's for people if Hitler died in 1936?
  8. _Lord_Of_Squids_

    Accepted _Lord_Of_Squids_

    Date joined: Late December,2015 Jobs done: Swamp in Gondor, roads in Gondor, a house in Tumladen,helped with some beacons in said area,farm walls in Gondor,and helped with the Gladden fields Here are some links to screenshots/screenshots of my builds: Application village (this one...