• Welcome to MCME!

    Minecraft Middle Earth is a Minecraft community that recreates the world described by JRR Tolkien and his writings. Everyone can participate in organized events in which we collaborate to create major landmarks, terrain, caves, castles, towns, farms and more.

    To get started, visit The New Player Guide

    Joining the server

    Joining the server can be done straight away, but you will have to pass the New Player Quiz. Use the The New Player Guide to get acquainted with our community.

    IP: build.mcmiddleearth.com



  • Media owner Deleted member 10930
  • Date added
My Single player city, built in a few weeks.
My Single player city, built in a few weeks.
This is my own city of my own design and is in the sole possession of the person behind this account. I am simply letting you see it for the purpose of my application, With the knowledge that by viewing you agree not to copy or emulate in any way.
My Single player city, built in a few weeks.
This is my own city of my own design and is in the sole possession of the person behind this account. I am simply letting you see it for the purpose of my application, With the knowledge that by viewing you agree not to copy or emulate in any way.
Sadly I couldent put that in the description because it had been over 5 min
PLEZ vote for my application and bring it to the attention of the owner so it doesen't take months like it usually does....
Do you mean an artist application? If so then you will need to do on server jobs and compete in theme builds on the server, as well as making an artist application on the forums. This may help that, I'm not shore.
There is normally at least one job a week on Saturday evening 8/9pm GMT and you will get points for doing jobs depending on their difficulty so a stream job may be 1, but a house may be 3 e.t.c you will need to do multiple jobs and multiple theme builds.

Have you made an artist application on the forums yet? If so then post pictures of your theme builds on their and say what jobs you've done and when, Also after you have done a job tell the designer to add the points up. It may take a while for a designer to get round to your application and post feedback but I think they go through at least once a month (not sure).

In the mean time just do some jobs when you can (sort of luck if you on when there is one) and do theme builds and ask for feedback from designers.
The designerd love my theme build, the next one is an olephant so im not doing it. I will be gone at college in 2 mounths. So if my I am to help here time is limited.
Well then do some jobs, doesn't matter whether it is a stream or road or farm e.t.c and do a few more theme builds and make an artist application.

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